Know What Is Buddhism, India

Buddhism Principles and Philosophy of Buddhist

Buddhism first came to be in the world in the 6th century BCE, and has remained a prominent philosophy since its inception till today. It started in present day Nepal , when Siddhartha Gautama , born a prince, attained enlightenment at the age of 29 during a period of intense asceticism. Soon after this, he was requested to teach, and as a result taught the first Wheel of Dharma.

Buddhism or Buddhist Religious Philosophy can be summed up in following Buddhist tenets.

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The Four Noble Truths

The essence of Buddhism is centered in the real world deliberation of a lasting solution to the recurrent strife and discontent brought on by superfluous efforts to maintain materialistic societal agendas. Philosophical pondering, according to Buddhism , is best reserved for the point in the future where the mind has successfully broken free of the mundane cycles of repetitive sorrow that plague the everyman. For metaphysical speculation, the mind needs to be trained in the meditation of examining the credibility of truths.

The Truth of Sorrow (Dukkha):

The implication of Sorrow (Dukkha) can be identified in three broad categories; the first is the Sorrow (Dukkha) of suffering, which entails the general pains of the due course of life, which include the events of birth, life, illness, and death. The second is the Sorrow (Dukkha) caused by longings, which essentially stems from the inability to adapt to the constant changeability of situations, people or things. The third is the Sorrow (Dukkha) of conditioning, which is experienced by all forms of life, and induced by the ignorance of the impermanence and lack of substance of any living form.

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Category Details
Definition Buddhism is a spiritual tradition that focuses on personal spiritual development and the attainment of a deep insight into the true nature of life.
Founder Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha), who attained enlightenment in the 5th-6th century BCE.
Core Teachings The Four Noble Truths, The Eightfold Path, Karma, Rebirth, and Nirvana.
Major Buddhist Texts Tripitaka (Pali Canon), Mahayana Sutras, Tibetan Buddhist Texts.
Branches of Buddhism Theravāda, Mahāyāna, Vajrayāna.
Practices Meditation, Mindfulness, Chanting, Ethical Living, Compassion.
Major Buddhist Sites
  • Bodh Gaya (Enlightenment site)
  • Sarnath (First Sermon)
  • Kushinagar (Mahaparinirvana site)
  • Rajgir (Teachings of Buddha)
  • Lumbini (Birthplace of Buddha)
Goal of Buddhism To achieve Nirvana, a state of liberation from suffering and the cycle of birth and death.
Influence Spread across Asia, influencing art, culture, philosophy, and ethics.
Current Presence Practiced worldwide, especially in India, Sri Lanka, China, Japan, Thailand, and Tibet.

The Truth of the Origin of Sorrow (Dukkha):

The origin of Sorrow (Dukkha) occurs with the birth of craving, and of craving there are three kinds; the first is the craving for sensory pleasures, and the pursuit of materialistic facilitation of the same. The second is the craving to be. It is the desire to exist as an entity with a past, future, and substantial value in the universe. The third is the craving to not be. This is the passionate desire to be separated from any sources of pain.

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The Truth of the Cessation of Sorrow (Dukkha):

Cessation is the aim of the Buddhist practice. It can be described as the decisive end of all kinds and causes of dissatisfaction in life. It can be attained by developing a deep and intricate understanding of the causes of suffering, like craving and ignorance.

The Truth of the Path Leading to the Cessation of Sorrow (Dukkha):

The path leading to the cessation of Sorrow (Dukkha) consists of an eightfold concept, enlisting the conduct of Right View, Intention, Speech, Action, Livelihood, Effort, Mindfulness, and Concentration. These could be viewed as the guidelines for the conduct of consequential dimensions of behavior, amounting as a whole to a path to release, or as a sequence of stages leading to insight.

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How to get salvation according to Buddhism?

The Middle Path:

The Middle Path is the essential guiding principle of the Buddhist philosophy , and spans several aspects of non extremism. It expounds the merits of moderation between the extremes of self mortification and self indulgence, as well as that of the metaphysical points of view of the nature of things. All dualities of the world are deemed delusory, and the dawning of this realization is the attainment of Nirvana. The philosophy of the Middle Path extends further to include the avoidance of the extremities of permanence and nihilism, expounding the virtue of the acceptance of the lack of inherent value in existence.

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