Rajgir-Buddhist Pilgrimage Sightseeing in Bihar India

buddhist temple rajgir bihar

General information about Rajgir

Rajgir is located in the Nalanda district of Bihar, India. Located 74 kilometers from Bodhgaya and 100 kilometers from Patna in Southern Bihar Rajgir is a Buddhist Pilgrimage and ancient Buddhist heritage site of India. You can interact with local people in Hindi, English or Magahi (a form of Prakrit Language). It was ancient capital of Magadh Empire.

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How to Reach Rajgir

You can reach Rajgir by bus, train or flights. Nearest airport is Patna which is 74 km away while nearest railway station Rajgir Railway Station.

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Tourist Attractions of Rajgir

Some of the must visit tourist attractions of Rajgir are Griddhakuta (Vulture’s Peak), Saptaparni Caves, cyclopean Wall, Bimbisar jail, Vishwa Shanti Stupa , Ajatshatru Fort , Huen Tsang Memorial Hall , Pippala Cave, Swarn Bhandar , Yesthivana , Venuvana Kalandakanivapa and Rajgir Hot Spring .

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Nearby Tourist Attractions Rajgir

Nearby tourist attractions of Rajgir are Patna, Bodhgaya, Nalanda, Vaishali , Kesaria and Nandangarh located within a few hundred kilometers.

Weather and Climate of Rajgir

Cold and Pleasant; summer - Hot; Monsoon – Warm

Located in a tropical region, Rajgir experiences hot and humid summers, where the temperature may go up to 45 degree Celsius. The winters are pleasant, and hence the best time to visit Rajgir would e between October and February.

Buddhism in Rajgir :

Gautama Buddha spent twelve years in Rajgir. Griddkuta or “vulture hill” was supposedly one of his favorite places to meditate. It was here that Bimbisara, the Emperor of Magadha, and one of the most celebrated patrons of Buddhism, was converted to the faith by the Buddha. It was also here that the Buddha delivered many sermons, and that the first attempt at documenting his teachings was made. The Saptaparni caves found here hosted the first Buddhist council after the Buddha. Rajgir also holds great importance for the Jain faith, the founder of which, Mahavira, spent fourteen years here.

Local Sightseeing in Rajgir

Local sightseeing includes many historical places, popular pilgrimage of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism with natural attractions like lakes and hot springs.

Festivals to visit :

Some of the fairs which attract gathering are Malamasa Mela and Makar Sankranti . Rajgir Dance Festival is the annual cultural fest organized by Govt. of Bihar in collaboration with Ministry of Culture.

Bimbisar jail
Rajgir Dance Festival
Venuvana Kalandakanivapa View More >>

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